Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Love...

Just wanted to FYI family and friends very quickly that Sam and I are in the hospital. He developed a really bad bacterial infection in his body that localized in his hand surgery that he had about a month and a half ago. For the record- when they went in again and took out all the infection they found that the surgery went PERFECT! As Doc Wyatt said- "It is serendipity that this happened." Dr. Wyatt is wonderful and Sam couldn't have been in better hands. We could leave tomorrow or we might be here until Tuesday. Visitors are okay- he is not contageous. Sam will be out of work for a couple weeks and needing to go to the hospital or have them come to our home two times a day to do IV Antibiotics for the next two weeks. He will be okay though. This is definately the time you would love to have family around---not because you need them, but because you want them. We love you all, thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers that I know will be coming. Don't know if we will be going to WI for Christmas anymore, Doc said it would be safest to stay here. All I care about right now if that my baby gets better. We will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Hugs and Kisses, Beth and Sam. (PS- If your Christmas gifts and cards are late- you know why!)


momto2boys said...

thinking and praying for you both...remember your air force right here...please let us know what we can do...

momto2boys said...

thinking and praying for you both...remember your air force right here...please let us know what we can do...

Whitney Duvall said...

my prayers are with you also honey!!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth. Kenny and I are praying for the both of you. We hope that Sam is feeling better soon!