Thursday, June 21, 2007

The most beautiful baby in the world!

Ok, so I know I am partial to my baby girl, but who cares!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not partial, and I'd say that you may be on to something...

She is so pretty! :)

liz said...

great shot Miss! Yes R is the prettiest baby girl I know, and like Sarah, I'm not partial either.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Beth, she is did you get such a great shot? Her eyes are such a pretty shade of blue :)

Bethalow said...

Ahhh...her eyes were killer in this picture- she was in direct sunlight, but the shade from her hat was enough to set them off really nicely. I enchanced the image, but didn't change any colors or the integrity of the picture.

Kim and Matt said...

She is absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes are so blue in that picture! Her momma is quite the photographer. :)