Sunday, June 3, 2007

What a Day.

It was a beautiful day today in Cheyenne and Sam, Reagan and I enjoyed it outside until we made the decision to go and buy a sun shade for Reagan so she wouldn't be in the direct sun. On our way to buy a little canopy to protect our baby girls fair skin, we were in a nasty car accident! The other driver ran a FIRE RED light and directly into US!! We weren't even the first car to go through our green- we were the second vehicle! I was so mad at the other driver that I never spoke to her, but she walked right up to the police and said, "It's my fault, I ran a red light." At least she took responsibility. Still no excuse though!

Good news- Reagan is okay! She was sleeping and kept sleeping until I got her out of the car. We were hit REALLY hard (probably around 40 MPH) and I couldn't even get out on the passenger side because my door was stuck shut. I got out on Sam's side, and checked on my baby girl and she was snoozing away! We woke her up with the commotion, but she was safe and sound in her little car seat! We are most thankful for this blessing! Anyone who needs a car seat needs this one!!! It is the Chicco Cortina. We had many people stop and stay with us to make sure everything was okay. It really is true that God puts people around you that he knows you will need there. It was very touching to know that people cared enough to make those phone calls to 911 then to stay with us!

Sam and I are doing okay. We all went to the hospital because he and I both started tightening up really badly. Both of us in our neck and back and me in my neck with shooting pains. I felt embarassed because they had to put a neck brace on me and do a CAT scan to be sure everything was in tack-i.e. no fractures, breaks, etc. There didn't appear to be any, so again- good news! Sam and I are very sore and were told we will be worse tomorrow- not looking forward to that! I still can't move my neck very well, but I am sure that will get better with time. We both said we feel like someone kicked the living crap out of us!

Here is me in the hospital- I always put Sam's picture up when he is in the hospital so felt it is only fair to him that I put an awful pic of me up.

As for our Explorer- not good. It is very smashed, but we are thankful we were driving that rather then the Jetta! It's only a material object, but it still sucks. We are just thankful that we all are going to be okay. No worries folks (but prayers are welcome!)! A special shout-out to Kim, Avery and Mom Hlivko for your help! Thanks much, gals! Bye for now- my neck and back are killing me- time to sleep or lay down or something!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I hope you and Sam will be ok-- I've heard, too, that you will be even more sore tomorrow, so I hope you've got loads of ibuprofen on hand.

I'm glad no one was more seriously injured! Feel better soon.

:) sarah

Whitney Duvall said...

Beth! Im so happy to hear that you, Sam and the little peanut are all ok.....looks like you had some angels watching out for you. Our prayers are with you.

liz said...

Oh my goodness!!! Beth I am so sorry to hear of your wreck, but so thankful that you're all okay! I was just TMing with you, I had no idea, hadn't even checked the blog yet! So sorry.
Love, Liz

Keelee said...

I am glad you guys are okay- Lou took Sam's alert and he said it was because you guys had been in an accident. I am especially glad Reagan slept through it. We were worried!

Sam said...

Wow, I am sooo glad you guys are all safe & well. Thank God! I am sure this was really scary & I'm sorry you are in pain...but you actually look great with a neck brace. Sweet Beth, always smiling, even when things are rough! Love ya guys!

Bethalow said...

Thanks everyone...we appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!

KD- sorry about Lou---Sam is taking his alerts on the 10th, hope id didn't screw up plans too much. :(

Sally Y said...

Thank goodness you are all ok! Sorry to hear about that happening. I'm sure it was scary! God speed on the recovery process!!

Keelee said...

It actually couldn't have worked out better. Now Lou has the weekend off and can take me and pick me up from the airport!

I hope you guys are recovering well!! Get a massage! Lane @ Adora is amazing!