“PAPs and advocates uniting provided excellent communication to assist in furthering the benefit of what PAPs were designed for – Helping the patient!” – Beth Daane, Rx Assistance Coordinator, Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
A little snippit of what I saw when I googled myself today! I google myself on occasion to see what I find- it is different almost all the time. I do it for personal and professional reasons. I was happy to see that my website is in the top few things that come along!
I do think it is a little scary what people can find out about you- but if I were that worried I wouldn't air my fresh laundry to the world in a blog now would I?
will you tell your lazy husband to email me. is he screening my emails on purpose?
Gene- I don't have your e-mail, so maybe you'll check back here...I told him to call/ e-mail you back. He started crying because he hurt your feelings.
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