Monday, October 1, 2007

TLC: My First Home

How cool is this...
My wonderful realtor called us before we left and said that someone in Cheyenne was selected for the show My First Home with TLC. They had already bought a house, but they wanted to use our house in the selection choices for the show! So- on Sunday they filmed our home! I guess they will just show the outside of the house and talk about it a little- so it's our homes 15 seconds of fame, but you know what- HOW COOL!!! So to all you people who need to buy a home- buy THIS ONE! it's FAMOUS!!!

BTW- Pics should be coming sometime in the next week. We are working out the bugs of getting my computer up and running in a new network. Computer Weenie is coming tonight to fix it- I hate spending money of that stuff, but you know- gotta do what you gotta do!

**Addendum: I just found out that TLC actually toured our whole home! I wonder what they'll say about it. Sam and I both think that the people who bought the other house probably regret not buying ours now that they have seen it! (Remember- they never actually saw our house, it was a later add on for the purpose of the show. How sneaky!)

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

How awesome is that!!!! Do you know when the show will air at all???

P.S. Obviously, I'm a little behind on checking blogs!! :)