Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eclipse at Midnight

I have to give some props to my sweet neice, Holly. Sam and I watched Eclipse last night and so I couldn't help but feel the need to post this after the Premier so many months ago.  Holly is a huge fan of Twilight and finally after years of talking about it I decided to read them.  Well, I was so hooked that I read them all in three weeks.  (There are 4 HUGE books in case you didn't know!)

Well, Holly and Casey (her hubs) and Sam and I went to the midnight showing of Eclipse and it was awesome!!!  Holly even bought this cool shirt for me!

I was super proud of the shirt because it is "Switzerland" meaning I am not on Edward or Jacob's "team".  (I'm not- I love love love Stephanie Meyer- not those silly boys!)  Well, we all thought that "Switzerland" was in referance of not being on a team, but during the movie it came out that BELLA is Switzerland!  Oops!  I guess I am team Bella!  ha!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,

Funny that I should stumble onto your page and read this post... I too have become hooked on the Twilight books (I am almost done with the 4th book and it will be about 3 weeks time that it's taken me to read them). Even more astonishing is that I hate to read, yet I find myself not wanting to put the books down and reading until the wee hours of the morning. I am kind of sad that I am almost done with them. Then I will watch the movies.

Mackenzie Hendrickson